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The macinplanck Config

Posted on:January 1, 2020 at 03:00 PM

As a Christmas gift to myself, I decided to get a new keyboard; a keyboard that I had scoffed at using not too long ago because “lol where’s all the keys?“. That keyboard is the Planck EZ Glow. This post is to describe how I have it setup, not to give a whole backstory as to why I decided to get it (that’s for me and my journal to know, thank you very much). I affectionately refer to my keyboard as the macinplanck.


Open Outline


Some front-matter before I get into things:

Here are links to my current configuration:

…and here are resources that I used to configure my setup:

If history is any indication, the configuration that I’m about to describe will probably be out of date by this time tomorrow, but I feel that writing down my thought process helps me pick out the holes in my logic and give me ideas for future improvements.

But anyway, who cares? Onto those sweet, juicy layers to make sense of wtf I even did.


I currently have 9 layers (Lower, Base, Raise, Adjust, NORMAL, VISUAL, NRMLSHFT, WINDOWZ, and LGUI_ALL):

9 layers

Not the biggest of drawbacks, but for whatever reason you cannot edit or delete the names in the first four layers. Removing the ability to delete them is understandable (otherwise it’s kinda not a Planck), but the inability to rename them didn’t really make sense to me. Oh well!

I’ll be going through the Base layer first, just because that makes sense in my head, and move through all of the other layers sequentially.

The Base Layer

base layer

A lot of this layer is the same as the default config. QWERTY layout, Lower/Raise are in the same spot, etc. There are some distinguishing characteristics, though:

And that concludes our Base layer tour. Onwards!

The Lower and Raise Layers


lower layer


raise layer

It helps to explain these both at the same time because there are a lot of similarities between the two, but with one key difference between the base config; the layers have essentially been swapped. When you look at a “traditional” keyboard, the number keys above the alphabetical characters have the number printed underneath the symbols, so in my mind they are “lower” than the symbols. As such, the Lower layer maps to numbers (and other keys that you get without pressing “Shift” on a traditional keyboard) while the Raise layer maps to the symbols (and other keys that you get when pressing “shift” on a traditional keyboard). The Planck layout made more sense in my brain when I did that; your mileage may vary.

Also, any action that I explicitly didn’t set in a given layer, I marked it as “None”. This was done because, by default, the Oryx configurator marks other keys in the layer “transparent” to let the key fall through to the Base layer. I do this in all layers except the Base layer (that layer is full anyway, so it doesn’t matter). This was done because I didn’t want to encounter any behavior that I didn’t explicitly program. The TT() keys are not set to “None” because they still have a function; pressing one of those keys again will take you into the Adjust layer or will take you back to the Base layer, depending on which layer you’re in.

The last “big thing” to note here (because it’s common in other layers too) is that at this point, I’ve designated the ESC key as my “escape hatch” in all layers that could be considered “not transient”. This key is mapped to TO(1) everywhere that is relevant, which brings you back to the Base layer. There are other keys in other layers that do this, but the ESC key is supposed to be my “safe key” that gets me out of anywhere I might lose myself in. Pressing ESC many times is also fine in pretty much all situations, since even if I get into the Base layer, it’s just mapped to actual ESC, which doesn’t really ever do anything destructive.

Other things to note here:

The rest of the layout should be fairly obvious, so I’m not going to enumerate all of the mapping. 3 layers down, 9 to go.

The Adjust Layer

adjust layer

I have the least to say about this layer. Note that we have the same “escape hatch”, but all other keys remain the same as the default configuration. If you have any ideas as to what else I should put here, please let me know!

The NORMAL Layer

normal layer

You get to the NORMAL layer by tapping the QMK key at the bottom-left of the Base layer. This is where things get a bit more interesting, and where Vim’s influence started getting the best of me.

This layer is called NORMAL because, if you’re in a text field that isn’t Vim (which happens more often than I would like), this layer gives some basic Vim motions that allow you to navigate text easily using shortcuts that are native to the OS.

An important thing to call out is that, although it’s called NORMAL, this isn’t meant to be the layer that you’re always in (which is common when you’re in an actual Vim buffer). I had considered making this the Base layer, but then it got in the way when editing in “real” Vim. So, even though in a conceptual sense I try to consider the Base layer analogous to INSERT mode, they’re still two very distinct concepts that shouldn’t be intermingled. If I’m in an actual Vim buffer, I ignore these layers altogether and always return to Base, since the other layers wouldn’t make a lot of sense to use in place of honest-to-goodness Vim keybindings.

Here is the key mapping for the NORMAL layer as it stands now (anything not listed can be assumed to be “None”):

Physical KeyMappingAction PerformedColor
TabtabTab#00a3e9 Desert Sun Blue
Walt+rightMove right 1 word#00a3e9 Desert Sun Blue
Ealt+rightMove right 1 word#00a3e9 Desert Sun Blue
Rcmd+shift+zRedo#00a3e9 Desert Sun Blue
Ycmd+cCopy#00a3e9 Desert Sun Blue
Ucmd+zUndo#00a3e9 Desert Sun Blue
ITO(1)Go to Base#f2671f Sunset Orange
Pcmd+vPaste#00a3e9 Desert Sun Blue
BackspaceleftMove left 1 character#00a3e9 Desert Sun Blue
ESCTO(1)Go to Base#f2671f Sunset Orange
ATO(1)Go to Base#f2671f Sunset Orange
HleftMove left 1 character#00a3e9 Desert Sun Blue
JdownMove down 1 character#00a3e9 Desert Sun Blue
KupMove up 1 character#00a3e9 Desert Sun Blue
LrightMove right 1 character#00a3e9 Desert Sun Blue
ShiftMO(6)Momentarily go to NRMLSHIFT#219e20 Material Green
XdelDelete 1 character#00a3e9 Desert Sun Blue
CTO(1)Go to Base#f2671f Sunset Orange
VTG(5)Toggle VISUAL#878eff Solarized Purple
Balt+leftMove left 1 word#00a3e9 Desert Sun Blue
/?cmd+fSearch (most apps use this)#00a3e9 Desert Sun Blue
EnterdownMove down 1 line#00a3e9 Desert Sun Blue
QMKTRNSGo back to Base#f2671f Sunset Orange
CTRLctrlLeft Control key#00a3e9 Desert Sun Blue
ALTaltLeft Alt key#00a3e9 Desert Sun Blue
OSOSM(MOD_LGUI)One-shot CMD Modifier#00a3e9 Desert Sun Blue
LowerMacro 1 RecStart recording a macro#00a3e9 Desert Sun Blue
SpaceMacro 1 PlayPlay macro 1 that was recorded#00a3e9 Desert Sun Blue
RaiseMacro Stop RecStop recording the macro#00a3e9 Desert Sun Blue
LeftMO(8)Momentarily go to LGUI_ALL#ea1e63 Material Red
RightTG(7)Toggle WINDOWZ#2e00e9 Sunset Blue/Purple

Scroll down to the “Special Mention: RGB Handling” section to understand what the colors mean.

The VISUAL Layer

visual layer

The VISUAL layer is meant to be the layer that performs selection-based actions, similar to how VISUAL mode works in Vim. You get to it from the NORMAL layer by tapping V. The main draw of this layer is that you can perform large selections relatively quickly; it basically takes all of the text navigation shortcuts from the NORMAL layer and adds “Shift” to them.

Here is the keymapping for this layer.:

Physical KeyMappingAction PerformedColor
Walt+shift+rightSelect right 1 word#878eff Solarized Purple
Ealt+shift+rightSelect right 1 word#878eff Solarized Purple
Ycmd+cCopy#878eff Solarized Purple
ITO(1)Go to Base#878eff Solarized Purple
Pcmd+vPaste#878eff Solarized Purple
Backspaceshift+leftSelect left 1 character#878eff Solarized Purple
ESCTO(1)Go to Base#878eff Solarized Purple
ATO(1)Go to Base#878eff Solarized Purple
Dcmd+xCut#878eff Solarized Purple
Hshift+leftSelect left 1 character#878eff Solarized Purple
Jshift+downSelect down 1 line#878eff Solarized Purple
Kshift+upSelect up 1 line#878eff Solarized Purple
Lshift+rightSelect right 1 character#878eff Solarized Purple
CTO(1)Go to Base#878eff Solarized Purple
VTRNSGo back to NORMAL#00a3e9 Desert Sun Blue
Balt+shift+leftSelect left 1 word#878eff Solarized Purple
<,shift+tabUnindent (depends on app)#878eff Solarized Purple
>.tabIndent (depends on app)#878eff Solarized Purple
Entershift+downSelect down 1 line#878eff Solarized Purple
QMKTO(4)Go to NORMAL#00a3e9 Desert Sun Blue
CTRLctrlLeft Control key#878eff Solarized Purple
ALTaltLeft Alt key#878eff Solarized Purple
OSOSM(MOD_LGUI)One-shot cmd modifier#878eff Solarized Purple
LowerMacro 1 RecStart recording a macro#878eff Solarized Purple
SpaceMacro 1 PlayPlay macro 1 that was recorded#878eff Solarized Purple
RaiseMacro Stop RecStop recording the macro#878eff Solarized Purple
LeftMO(8)Momentarily go to LGUI_ALL#ea1e63 Material Red

Not much else going on here, so onto the next layer.


nrmlshft layer

The NRMLSHFT layer is only accessible from the NORMAL layer and, as the name implies, it contains actions that are analogous to “shifted” keys in Vim’s NORMAL mode (like X or G). I didn’t do a whole lot of customization here, and there are probably some actions that I’ve missed; I’ll slowly add more as I discover them.

Here is the keymapping for this layer.:

Physical KeyMappingAction PerformedColor
Walt+rightMove right 1 word#219e20 Material Green
Ealt+rightMove right 1 word#219e20 Material Green
Icmd+leftMove to beginning of line#219e20 Material Green
Pcmd+vCopy#219e20 Material Green
BackspacebackspaceBackspace 1 character#219e20 Material Green
Acmd+rightMove to end of line#219e20 Material Green
Gcmd+downMove to bottom#219e20 Material Green
ShiftMO(6)Momentarily activate NRMLSHFT#219e20 Material Green
XbackspaceBackspace 1 character#219e20 Material Green
Balt+leftMove left 1 word#219e20 Material Green
<,cmd+shift+tabUnindent (depends on app)#219e20 Material Green
>.cmd+tabIndent (depends on app)#219e20 Material Green
EnterenterInsert newline#219e20 Material Green
CTRLctrlLeft Control key#219e20 Material Green
ALTaltLeft Alt key#219e20 Material Green
OSOSM(MOD_LGUI)One-shot cmd modifier#219e20 Material Green


windowz layer

This layer doesn’t make much sense to the casual onlooker, mostly because it is used exclusively for my window management tool on macOS: Rectangle. I tile/move/resize my windows on macOS all day thanks to this tool. It’s invaluable enough for me that I’ve dedicated an entire layer to it. The above keymap makes more sense when you see how the keyboard shortcuts for that application are set up on my machine:

rectangle keymap

That’s all there is to the WINDOWZ layer! Here’s the keymapping:

Physical KeyMappingAction PerformedColor
Qalt+ctrl+qMove window top left#2e00e9 Sunset Blue/Purple
Walt+ctrl+wMove window top right#2e00e9 Sunset Blue/Purple
Ealt+ctrl+eMove window first two thirds#2e00e9 Sunset Blue/Purple
Talt+ctrl+tMove window last two thirds#2e00e9 Sunset Blue/Purple
Palt+ctrl+pMove window to previous display#2e00e9 Sunset Blue/Purple
Backspacealt+ctrl+backspaceRestore original window size/pos#2e00e9 Sunset Blue/Purple
ESCTO(1)Go to Base#878eff Solarized Purple
Aalt+ctrl+aMove window bottom left#2e00e9 Sunset Blue/Purple
Salt+ctrl+sMove window bottom right#2e00e9 Sunset Blue/Purple
Dalt+ctrl+dMove window first third#2e00e9 Sunset Blue/Purple
Falt+ctrl+fMove window center third#2e00e9 Sunset Blue/Purple
Galt+ctrl+gMove window last third#2e00e9 Sunset Blue/Purple
Halt+ctrl+hMove window left half#2e00e9 Sunset Blue/Purple
Jalt+ctrl+jMove window bottom half#2e00e9 Sunset Blue/Purple
Kalt+ctrl+kMove window top half#2e00e9 Sunset Blue/Purple
Lalt+ctrl+lMove window right half#2e00e9 Sunset Blue/Purple
alt+ctrl+’‘Almost maximize’ window#2e00e9 Sunset Blue/Purple
Calt+ctrl+cCenter current window#2e00e9 Sunset Blue/Purple
Nalt+ctrl+nMove window to next display#2e00e9 Sunset Blue/Purple
,alt+ctrl+,Make window smaller#2e00e9 Sunset Blue/Purple
.alt+ctrl+.Make window bigger#2e00e9 Sunset Blue/Purple
Enteralt+ctrl+enterMaximize window#2e00e9 Sunset Blue/Purple
QMKTO(4)Go to NORMAL#00a3e9 Desert Sun Blue
LowerMacro 1 RecStart recording a macro#2e00e9 Sunset Blue/Purple
SpaceMacro 1 PlayPlay macro 1 that was recorded#2e00e9 Sunset Blue/Purple
RaiseMacro Stop RecStop recording the macro#2e00e9 Sunset Blue/Purple
Right-Go back to NORMAL#00a3e9 Desert Sun Blue

The LGUI_ALL Layer

lgui_all layer

This layer is an example of pure laziness on my part. The only reason why LGUI_ALL exists is because, when I was in the NORMAL or VISUAL layers, I occasionally found myself wanting to perform some kind of modifier + “regular” key combination (almost always cmd + something), but then stay on the current layer. This is an incredibly brute-forced approach to handling that need, and is definitely something that I’ll come back and revisit in the near future. For now, it works fine, so I’m not really worried. If you have any suggestions for an approach to this, I’m all ears!

I didn’t create a keymap gist for this because it’s simply a layer that has cmd prepended to all the keys on the keyboard (i.e. cmd+q, cmd+w, etc.).

Special Mention: RGB Handling

Each layer has what you’d call a “dominant” color that signifies what layer you’re in. If you were to tap/hold/whatever a key that is illuminated with the color that is dominant for that layer, you are guaranteed to not be kicked out of that layer.

The same logic applies if there is a key with a color that is “not” dominant for the layer you’re on; if you tap a key that is not dominant, you should be taken to a layer where the color of the key you pressed is dominant.

The only layers where there are no other colors that signify other layers are NRMLSHIFT and LGUI_ALL; this is because the only way to get into those layers is by holding an MO() key, and once you release that key you’re back on the layer that you started with. No need for an “escape hatch” in those layers.

Here are the colors that I used for this layout (colors are taken from the per-key color options in the Oryx configurator):

Lower 0#ecb392 Raspberry Light Brown
Base 1#f2671f Sunset Orange
Raise 2#219e20 Material Green
Adjust 3#d91f89 Sunset Pink
NORMAL 4#00a3e9 Desert Sun Blue
VISUAL 5#878eff Solarized Purple
NRMLSHFT 6#219e20 Material Green
WINDOWZ 7#2e00e9 Sunset Blue/Purple
LGUI_ALL 8#ea1e63 Material Red

NRMLSHIFT and Raise having the same color as the dominant color is an accident that I’m too lazy to fix. They’ll never be accessible from the same layer, so I think that it’s fine.

Feedback (if anyone is listening)

After going through all of this, I’ve got some feedback.

What’s next?

There are already multiple things that I want to improve upon for this layout.

Anyway, that about wraps this up. For those of you that made it to the end, you get a virtual pat on the back, and permission to go and have a cookie!